10zine takes an official trip to overseas. The first time is Taiwan.
In addition to sale and exhibition, it carries out to a workshop.

“Zine Love” Limited Exhibition and Store
place:Shimokitazawa generations

今回は台湾で唯一のアート系ブックストアの“下北沢世代”とタッグを組み、彼らの店舗に期間限定でzineの販売と展示をさせてもらいます。下北沢世代との出会いは、今年6月発売の装苑「DIY GIRL」にて「アジアのZINEの担い手たち」として掲載されたこと。10zineと下北沢世代は隣り合ったページで紹介されていました。6月の発売から7月にイベントの共同開催を行うところは、Do It Now 精神の賜物ですね。台湾の人も、日本の人も、それ以外の人も、もしこの期間に台北にいらっしゃったらぜひ遊びにきてくださいね!
In cooperation with the “Shimokitazawa generations” of the only art book store in Taiwan, I will carry out sale and exhibition of zine to their store by a limited time offer in Taiwan. The encounter with the Shimokitazawa generations is published as “bearers of ZINE of Asia” by Soen “DIY GIRL” of sale in June, this year. 10zine and the Shimokitazawa generations were introduced by adjacent Page. It is the result of Do It Now soul. If the people of Taiwan, and a Japanese people and the other people come to Taipei in this period, please come!

7/28(Sat) 19:00-21:30
place: 61note 南京西路64巷10弄6號
NT.500 / contain 1drink and 1zine

1.Talk about 10zine and that members _10zineとそのメンバーについての話
2.Making zines _zineを作ろう
1. Please bring the material of papers, such as your favorite magazine, a photograph, etc. (What was copied is better so that you may cut or stick. )
2. 10zine member is preparing the material of a Japanese newspaper, a magazine, and various papers. 
3. Please find a favorite of the material from Japan and make it your favorite freely together at zine. 
4. If done, let me take your face and the photograph of zine. The photo is introduced at the site of 10zine of Japan.
5. Zines will be exchanged by all participants! 

How to join
下北沢世代 Facebook